
A reversible one of these objects is named after Tommaso Toffoli. One of these objects named S is used to generate their Clifford group. Unlike the complexity class AC0, the class NC0 consists of constructs made of these objects with finite fan-in. The Sheffer stroke is an alternative name for one of these objects that is functionally complete. An SR latch can be created by feeding the outputs of two of these objects into each other. In quantum computing, two of these objects, including one named for Hadamard, (10[1])are used to (10[1])set up an entangled state. A set of these objects is “universal” if they can be combined to express every possible truth table. (-5[1])For 10 points, name these objects that comprise logical circuits and produce a Boolean output from individual bits, such as AND and OR. ■END■ (10[1]0[3])

ANSWER: logic gates [accept quantum logic gates or phase gates; accept specific gates, such as AND gate or OR gate or NAND gate or CNOT gate or Toffoli gate or Hadamard gate or Clifford gates; accept universal logic gates; prompt on Boolean circuits or logical circuits or quantum circuits; prompt on logical connectives or quantum operators]
<Other Science>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Leo LawUF AUCF B8710
Shiva TegullaUCF AUF B9010
Adam JarvisUF DUF F113-5
Matthew AndersenUF CFlorida Tech A1370
Audrey SwingleUF FUF D1370
Ryan GomesFlorida Tech BFlorida State University A13710
Jason NicholsFlorida Tech AUF C1370