Lauren Alloy and Lyn Abramson have argued that this condition is not especially maladaptive. The 5-HTTLPR gene may be associated with this condition, though that gene’s correlation with insomnia is much stronger. An inventory for this condition developed by Max Hamilton strongly correlates with another inventory developed by Aaron Beck, who proposed that a “cognitive triad” is a primary cause of this condition. Symptoms of the atypical form of this condition include weight gain and leaden paralysis. The majority of people with this condition exhibit anhedonia. This condition, which is correlated with an external locus of control and low self-efficacy, is treated by Lexapro and Zoloft. For 10 points, name this mental state associated with persistently low mood. ■END■
ANSWER: depression [accept clinical depression; accept major depressive disorder]
<Social Science>
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