
Congratulations on your new smart refrigerator! In order for it to connect to the internet, it’ll need an IP address. For 10 points each:
[10h] Your new smart fridge is assigned a fresh IP address by this server-based network management protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses to new devices on a local network.
ANSWER: DHCP [or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol; accept DHCPv6]
[10m] To navigate your smart fridge to, your router decides where to request data from using this service usually known by a three-letter acronym, which resolves namesake human-readable URLs into IP addresses.
ANSWER: DNS [or Domain Name System; accept DNS resolution]
[10e] Your smart fridge sends a GET request to ACF’s web server via this application-layer protocol, which may be secured using SSL. Full URLs typically begin with the name of this protocol followed by colon, slash, slash.
ANSWER: HTTP [or Hypertext Transfer Protocol; accept HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure or HTTP over SSL or HTTP over TLS]
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UF AFlorida State University A0101020
UCF BUF C001010
UCF AUF D0101020
UF EFlorida Tech B001010