
A philosopher from this university rejected a so-called “bald naturalism” in his book Mind and World. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this American university where John McDowell and Robert Brandom teach, both of whom are considered part of a philosophical school named for this university started by Wilfrid Sellars.
ANSWER: University of Pittsburgh
[10e] Brandom and Sellars are considered a part of the neo- form of this philosophical tradition whose earlier members included C. S. Peirce and William James.
ANSWER: pragmatism [accept neopragmatism]
[10m] Brandom edited a collection titled for this philosopher “and His Critics.” In the preface to Mind and World, McDowell stated that he “defines his stance” around this neopragmatist who wrote Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity.
ANSWER: Richard Rorty [or Richard McKay Rorty]

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