
Lyrics from a song titled for this word name Richard White's history of the west, It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this Cowboy slang word that confusingly refers to runt cattle in the title of a song that begins with the refrain “Whoopee ti yi yo.”
ANSWER: dogie [accept Git Along, Little Dogies]
[10m] The song encourages “dogies” to get along because soon this territory “will be [their] new home.” Ranchers fought the Johnson County War in this state, whose capital was named for a tribe massacred at Sand Creek.
ANSWER: Wyoming (The capital is Cheyenne.)
[10e] The Goodnight-Loving cattle driving trail extended north to Cheyenne to end on one of these routes. A “golden spike” at Promontory Point completed a project of this type built by Union Pacific.
ANSWER: Transcontinental Railroads [accept Pacific Railroad or Overland Route; accept First Transcontinental Railroad; accept railway instead of “railroad”; prompt on railroad or railway alone]
<American History>

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