
Morris Fiorina hypothesized that these people act as minimax-regret strategists. A result named after these people requires that their preferences be single-peaked and either unidimensional or rotationally symmetric. One theorist analogized these people to the consumers in the linear city model and names a paradox that points out the surprisingly high number of these people. When the preferences of these (10[1])people are aggregated, the results may be intransitive in a result discovered (10[1])by the Marquis de Condorcet (“con-dor-SAY”). Anthony Downs (10[1])popularized a theorem named for the “median” type of these people. These people may rank preferences ordinally in a method that simulates an “instant runoff.” For 10 points, name these subjects of public choice theory who cast ballots in elections. ■END■

ANSWER: voters [accept median voter theorem]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sophie Higgs (DII)UW AUW B5910
Kevin YeSFUAlberta7110
John Chen (UG)UBC AUBC B7810