
A Guy Davenport essay claims that a surrealist from this country inspired much of Burnt Norton and Paterson through his oil paintings Hide and Seek and Phenomena. A hand holds a pair of compasses in a photomontage self-portrait by an artist from this country, whose typography designs incorporated abstract forms called Prouns (“pro-OONS”). A “Last Futurist Exhibition” in this country featured an artist who planned to install radio equipment atop a never-built rotating tower. A red triangle (10[1])spears a white circle (10[1])in a propaganda poster created by an artist from this country, (-5[1])El Lissitzky. At this country’s 0,10 (“zero, ten”) exhibition, the painting Black Square was displayed by a Suprematist whose work opposed Constructivism. For 10 points, what home country of Kazimir Malevich developed socialist realism? (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: Soviet Union [or USSR or SSSR or Soyuz Sovietskikh Sotsialichetskhikh Respublik; accept Russia or Russian Empire or Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Imperiya] (Pavel Tchelitchew is the subject of Davenport’s essay “Tchelitchew” from The Geography of the Imagination. The second sentence refers to El Lissitzky’s The Constructor. Vladimir Tatlin created Corner Counter-Relief and designed the Monument to the Third International.)
<Visual Fine Arts>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Euan McCubbin (UG)UW BSFU7510
Tai Belke (DII)UBC BUW A7910
Erin ChenUBC AAlberta90-5
Anne Fjeld (DII)AlbertaUBC A12210