
Members of this ethnicity built a conical national shrine to the Virgin of Charity that includes a mural depicting Father Varela. Two businessmen of this ethnicity re-started the Cawy Bottling Company in the early 1960s, selling sodas like Quinabeer and the yerba-mate-based Materva. (-5[1])Down the street from Versailles Restaurant, which serves a dish of shredded beef whose name translates to “old clothes,” a walk of fame honors celebrities of this ethnicity such as the husband and co-star of Lucille Ball. On (-5[1])“cultural Fridays,” this ethnicity congregates at Calle Ocho in a (10[1])“little” neighborhood named for their country’s capital. This ethnicity was subject to the “wet foot, dry foot” policy and was resettled during the Mariel Boatlift. For 10 points, name this largest ethnicity in Miami-Dade County. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Cuban-American [or Cubans; accept Afro-Cubans; prompt on Hispanic, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Latine, or Latin Americans]
<Geography/Current Events>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Dexter Hine (UG)SFUUBC B42-5
Truman Fillbrandt (UG)UW AUBC A80-5
Anne Fjeld (DII)AlbertaUW B9010
Tai Belke (DII)UBC BSFU12610
Erin ChenUBC AUW A12610
