
This author wrote about giving food to a “child crying in the autumn wind” who had been abandoned by his parents while walking along a riverside with his servant Chiri. This author notes that a creature “gives us no sign / That presently it will die” in a poem about “the cry of the cicada.” A series of travel (10[1])essays by this author blends prose with poetry and includes Records of a Weather-Exposed Skeleton as well (10[1])as a work that opens “Days and months are the travellers of eternity.” This poet collected and commented on a series of poems that contain “cutting words” as part of an anthology named for a children’s game in which the title objects are compared, The Seashell Game. For 10 points, the haibun travelogue The Narrow Road to the Deep North is by what (10[1])Japanese master of haiku? ■END■

ANSWER: Matsuo Bashō [or Bashō Matsuo or Matsuo Kinsaku or Masuo Chūemon Munefusa]
<World/Other Literature>
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Tai Belke (DII)UBC BAlberta5810
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