
Bernard Weiner’s model of this process posits that stability, controllability, and locus of control are the three primary influences upon it. According to research on learned helplessness, differing “styles” of this process may determine vulnerability to negative mental (-5[1])and physical (-5[1])health outcomes. One account of this process associated with Harold Kelley considers it a naive form of covariation analysis. An experiment that studied this process gave its participants essays about Fidel Castro, leading them to assume that the authors expressed their genuine beliefs. A cognitive bias that overemphasizes individual personality and disposition is known as this process’s “fundamental error.” (10[2])For 10 (10[1])points, name this psychological process by which people assign causes to events in the world. ■END■ (10[2]0[3])

ANSWER: attribution [accept explanation; accept fundamental attribution error; prompt on blaming and word forms]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Claire Bennett (UG)Vassar AOle Miss37-5
Owen Arneson (D2)MissouriTexas A39-5
Brielle Rach (D2)IowaCentral Oklahoma9810
Owen Gilroy (D2)Texas BMississippi State9810
Collin NadarajahWUSTL ANYU A10010
Devito Stevanus (UG)McGill EVassar B1160
Luca Balescu (D2)Texas DOregon State1160
Brynn JonesOregon StateTexas D1160
Bryce Cruise (D2)Texas AMissouri11610
Jacob Tow (UG)Colorado CollegeArkansas11610