
One of these creatures marries Guillaume’s (“ghee-OHM’s”) sister in a work whose English translation is credited with the first use of singular “they.” A group of these creatures descended (10[1])from Laignech Fáelad (“LY-nuck FEE-luh”) were thought to be ancestors of the Kings of Ossory. Melion is tricked by his wife into turning into one of these creatures in a Breton lai that inspired Marie de France’s (10[1])Bisclavret. (10[1])In traditional folklore, these creatures can be identified through a distinctive unibrow. Because he served Zeus the flesh of his son Nyctimus, a king of Arcadia was turned into (10[1])one of these creatures. (10[2])The killing of the Beast of Gévaudan (“ZHAY-voh-don”) inspired the belief that these creatures (10[1])are particularly vulnerable to silver bullets. (10[1])For 10 points, name these half-human creatures who transform into a certain animal under the full moon. ■END■

ANSWER: werewolves [or werewolf or lycanthropes; accept werewolves of Ossory or William and the Werewolf]
= Average correct buzz position

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Jacob Tow (UG)Colorado CollegeVassar B2710
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Braden Booth (D2)MissouriNYU B6310
Abhinav Rachakonda (UG)Texas BMcGill E9210
Athena Shadden (UG)Texas AMississippi State9610
Keerthana Krishnan (D2)Texas COregon State9610
Owen Ashbrook (D2)IowaWUSTL A10910
Dylan Dexter (D2)Ole MissTexas D11510