
Mirra Komarovsky’s study of marriages described by one of these features distinguished those marriages as less companionate and egalitarian than others. A Louise Kapp Howe book titled for a “pink” one of these features describes the boredom and job insecurity faced by clerical workers and servers. (-5[2])C. Wright Mills distinguished the “old middle class” of small entrepreneurs from a class denoted by one of these (10[1])features. Edwin Sutherland described non-violent frauds (10[1])like embezzlement and insider trading (10[1])as a type of crime named for one of these (10[3])features. (10[2])A term referencing one of these features stems from manual laborers’ historical use of denim uniforms. For 10 (10[2])points, name this clothing (10[1])feature whose “white” version is figuratively worn (-5[1])by salaried, educated workers. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: collars [accept blue-collar or white-collar or pink-collar; accept white-collar crime]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Anton Akroush (DII)Michigan State AKenyon B (DII)45-5
Ni Kundargi (DII)Michigan State B (UG)CWRU B (UG)45-5
Todd MaslykMichigan AOhio State B (DII)6410
SophiaMichigan DOSU C7010
Elie Aoun (UG)CWRU A (UG)Ohio State B (DII)7510
Elise Economou (DII)Pitt B (UG)Michigan State A8510
Roxanne Tang (UG)Ohio State A (UG)CWRU D (DII)8510
Matthew KElley (DII)Michigan C (UG)Pitt B (UG)8510
Kevin Zheng (UG)Michigan BKenyon A (UG)8610
Ariel FaederPitt AOhio State C (DII)8610
Daniel Lian (DII)Michigan C (UG)CWRU A (UG)10410
Simon Zimmerman (UG)Ohio State A (UG)Michigan State B (UG)10410
Ariel FaederPitt AKenyon A (UG)10810
Adam MonuskoMichigan BCWRU B (UG)115-5
Ren Green (DII)Kenyon B (DII)Michigan State A12010
Alan Lee (UG)CWRU B (UG)Michigan State B (UG)12010
Ruchir Kodihalli (UG)CWRU B (UG)Michigan B15010