
A religious movement in this modern-day country built three “Christian towns” where adherents worked in factories to make underwear. Many Christian sects in this modern-day country trace their origin to that “Olive Tree” movement, which built white churches (-5[1])with red crosses. This country tried thousands of Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses in military courts for their refusal to hold weapons. A religious movement founded (-5[1])in this modern-day country aims to prevent descent of original sin by performing Blessing (10[1])ceremonies in which masses of couples (10[1])strike each other three times and exchange vows. For 10 points, the Unification Church (10[1])advocates for the reunification of what Asian country with its (-5[1])communist northern neighbor? ■END■ (10[4])

ANSWER: South Korea [or Republic of Korea; accept Daehan Minguk; prompt on Korea]
= Average correct buzz position

Back to tossups


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Zhiheng Liu (DII)Michigan C (UG)Ohio State C (DII)37-5
Leo Tao (UG)Michigan BMichigan State A63-5
Simon Zimmerman (UG)Ohio State A (UG)Ohio State B (DII)7710
Todd MaslykMichigan APitt A8310
Alan Lee (UG)CWRU B (UG)Pitt B (UG)9710
Owen Brown (DII)Kenyon B (DII)Kenyon A (UG)107-5
Ciaran Strimaitis (DII)Kenyon A (UG)Kenyon B (DII)11110
Anton Akroush (DII)Michigan State AMichigan B11110
Jacob Goodson (DII)Ohio State C (DII)Michigan C (UG)11110
Will Jones (DII)Michigan State C (UG)CWRU D (DII)11110
