
As a result of declarations made at this event, Jacob Poost was arrested, while Jan van Essen and Hendrik Vos were burnt at the stake. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this event condemning a man who defended his views from Leo X’s (“the tenth’s”) bull Exsurge domine. Johann Eck presided over this event, during which its central participant may have said “Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise.”
ANSWER: Diet of Worms (“vorms”) of 1521 [accept Edict of Worms]
[10e] This man was convicted in the Diet of Worms after Pope Leo X (“the tenth”) criticized his Ninety-five Theses. This German priest kickstarted the Protestant Revolution.
ANSWER: Martin Luther
[10h] In a contemporary incident, the Reformation began in Zurich when Christoph Froschauer was arrested in this “affair” for breaking religious law. Swiss pastor Huldrych Zwingli (“HUL-dreekh TSVING-lee”) criticized Lenten dietary restrictions during this event.
ANSWER: Affair of the Sausages [or Affare mit den Wurstchen]
<European History>

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