
A theory about one part of this structure posits that, like the cerebellum, it engages in pattern separation by expansion recoding. The perforant path provides input to this structure from the entorhinal cortex. This structure receives signals from the medial septum via the fornix that help regulate theta wave generation. Molecular, granule cell, and polymorphic layers make up part (10[1])of a formation named for this structure. Synapses between this structure’s CA1 and CA3 regions are often used to study long-term (10[1])potentiation. This structure’s dentate gyrus is a commonly studied site of adult neurogenesis. Lesions in the uncus, amygdala, and this structure in patient H. M. (10[1])caused (10[1])severe anterograde amnesia. (10[1])For 10 points, (10[1])name this seahorse-shaped (10[2])brain structure (10[1])important in forming memories. ■END■

ANSWER: hippocampus [accept hippocampal formation; prompt on dentate gyrus until read by asking “what larger formation is that part of?”]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Eric YangPurdue AUIUC B5810
Neal JoshiWashU BUChicago C7910
Jacob PuthipirojNorthwestern AWashU C10410
Jiping FangUIUC DUChicago D10510
Trenton BurgesIndiana BPurdue D10810
Logan MathisSIUE AUChicago B11110
Noah McRedmondNotre DameWashU D11410
Jack CaseyUIUC CUChicago A11410
Justin HawkinsIndiana AUIUC A11610