
Owen Jones made innovative chromolithographs of this complex that influenced his interiors for the Crystal Palace. This complex’s niches once held large blue-and-gold vases unique in the region for being only decorative. This complex’s Gate of Justice is in the region’s style of horseshoe arch and leads to a patio of myrtles (10[2])surrounded by arcades with stucco sebka designs. (-5[1])During a 1936 visit, M. C. Escher (10[1])copied this building’s (10[1])tessellations. (10[1])Halls with stalactite-work vaults called muqarnas (10[1])surround a space in this complex where a fountain sits on 12 marble animals. The Court of the Lions is the central citadel of this Nasrid complex, which like the Royal Alcázar inspired the fusion of Mudéjar (10[1])art after the Reconquista. For 10 points, name this “Moorish-style” palace in Granada. (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: the Alhambra
<Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arthur GaydenUChicago APurdue C5110
Logan MathisSIUE AUChicago B5110
Stephen WalshNorthwestern AUIUC C58-5
Yash MandaviaUIUC BIndiana B6510
Jeremy CummingsWashU BPurdue A6810
Justin HawkinsIndiana ANotre Dame6910
Connor McClellandMiamiPurdue B7510
Ethan MaUIUC DWashU C11210
Davis JohnsonPurdue DWashU D12510
Sam AlahiUIUC CNorthwestern A12610
