A mythical land named for a member of this family was mentioned by Joseph-Nicholas Delisle (“duh-LEEL”) alongside the Company’s Land, State Island, and Sakhalin, and may have influenced Vitus Bering. A member of this family was executed as the losing commander of a force allied with Ethiopians at the Battle of Wofla by an Imam of the Adal Sultanate. One member of this family ordered a high priest’s ears to be replaced with dog’s ears, and also burnt passengers alive after capturing a Muslim pilgrim ship. An explorer from this family built a cross-shaped pillar in Malindi on a 1497 to 1499 expedition that used carracks and surpassed the achievements of Bartolomeu Dias. For 10 points, give this family of a Portuguese explorer who reached Calicut to open new trade routes with India. ■END■
ANSWER: da Gama [accept Vasco da Gama; accept Cristóvao da Gama or Christoper da Gama; accept Joao da Gama or Juan da Gama; accept Gamaland or Joao-da-Gama-Land or Land of Gama]
<European History>
= Average correct buzz position