A lyric requesting protection from the “murderous rage” of Turks and these people is often removed from modern versions of the hymn “Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort.” To open a work titled for one of these people, each voice leaps up a perfect fourth and descends in a stepwise fashion. A work titled for one of these people splits the text of the Agnus Dei into two movements. A genre named for one of these people was modified by adding an improvised vox organalis to the vox principalis to create works called organum. Legendarily, a ban on polyphony was averted by the composition of a mass titled for a man with this position, Marcellus II, by Giovanni Palestrina. For 10 points, name this position held by the namesake of a form of monophonic chant, Gregory I. ■END■
ANSWER: Pope [accept bishop of Rome; accept supreme pontiff or Roman pontiff or sovereign pontiff; accept Pontifex maximus; accept Pope Marcellus Mass; accept Missa Papae Marcelli]
<Classical Music>
= Average correct buzz position