During a moonlit rendezvous in a silent film, a woman from one of these places describes a dance hall and a brass band that appear superimposed over the shot. After spending the day in a fantastical one of these places, the Man and the Woman nearly drown during a storm in F. W. Murnau’s film Sunrise. Eugen (“OY-ghen”) Schüfftan invented a process that combines miniatures and mirrors for a film titled for one of these places, which is sometimes shown with a score by Giorgio Moroder. Below one of these places, a character imagines workers who pull levers resembling clock faces being fed to Moloch. The New Tower of Babel stands over one of these places in a silent film in which Rotwang constructs a “machine human.” For 10 points, what sort of place titles a science fiction film by Fritz Lang? ■END■
ANSWER: city [accept a fictional city; accept Metropolis; accept the city woman; accept dystopia until read; prompt on funfair, carnival, or circus by asking “what larger kind of location is being described?”]
<Other Fine Arts>
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