
Iannis Xenakis developed the sixxen for his piece Pléïades scored for six players of these instruments. Colin Currie is the dedicatee of a concerto by Jennifer Higdon for these instruments. The Vic Firth Company specializes in manufacturing (-5[1])equipment used for playing these (10[1])instruments. (10[1])Edgard Varèse’s Ionisation is for thirteen of these instruments. (10[1])Players often use a “trap table” to organize “auxiliary” examples of these instruments. Players typically use either a “traditional” or “matched” grip to play these instruments. (10[1])The non-profit PAS published (10[1])a (10[1])set of “international (10[2])rudiments” like the flam and paradiddle (-5[1])for these instruments, (10[1])whose players are usually (10[1])situated at the (10[1])back of the orchestra. For 10 points, name this (10[1])instrument family that (-5[1])includes (10[1])the marimba (10[1])and the snare drum. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: percussion [accept drums until read; accept keyboard percussion; accept auxiliary percussion; accept mallet percussion; accept specific percussion instruments like marimba or vibraphone]
<Classical Music>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Kevin WangGeorgia Tech BTennesse A36-5
TJ PickeringAuburn BGeorgia Tech E4110
Robert MerchantAlabama AGeorgia Tech B4210
Alex WyrickTennesse AEmory A5110
Sara SimkinsGeorgia AGeorgia Tech F7710
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech ASouth Carolina A8110
Bob FreedmanGeorgia AEmory A8210
Henry BylinowskiAuburn ATusculum A8510
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CEmory B8510
Malachi LedfordTusculum AClemson A91-5
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech AAuburn A9410
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DTennesse B9810
Alex ThomasGeorgia Tech EAlabama A10110
William BarnesTennesse AGeorgia Tech B11010
Kabir ZamanSouth Carolina AGeorgia Tech C113-5
Danny TranTennesse BEmory B11410
Monish JampalaGeorgia Tech CSouth Carolina A11610
Asheton WilbanksClemson ATusculum A12010
Zach MillerAuburn CAuburn B1280
Abby TiptonAuburn BAuburn C1280