
Edith Heal’s informal conversations with this author and his wife make up the book I Wanted to Write a Poem. This author dedicated the poem “The Crimson Cyclamen” to an artist who adapted a poem by this inventor of triadic-line (10[2])poetry about seeing an object “Among the rain / and (10[1])lights” on (-5[1])“a red / firetruck.” (10[2])This author, whose poem “The Great Figure” (10[1])inspired Charles Demuth’s (-5[1])painting I Saw the (10[1])Figure Five in Gold, included a poem set “By the road to the contagious hospital” in his collection Spring and All. (10[2])This poet (10[1])wrote about an object “glazed with rain (10[1])/ water (10[2])/ beside the white / chickens.” The speaker of a poem by this author says, “I have eaten / the plums / that were in / the icebox.” For 10 points, name this Imagist poet of “The Red Wheelbarrow” and (10[1])“This is Just to Say.” ■END■

ANSWER: William Carlos Williams
<American Literature>
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Parker McCoigTennesse AEmory A3910
Jeffry XuGeorgia Tech BTennesse A3910
Bharath RamGeorgia Tech DTennesse B4910
Malachi LedfordTusculum AAuburn A51-5
Kevin WangGeorgia Tech BAlabama A5510
Henry BylinowskiAuburn AGeorgia Tech A5510
Alex ThomasGeorgia Tech EAlabama A6210
Luke ZhangEmory AGeorgia A65-5
Zach TsengGeorgia Tech EAuburn B6910
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CEmory B9010
Sara SimkinsGeorgia AGeorgia Tech F9010
Caleb SlusherSouth Carolina AGeorgia Tech A9210
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CSouth Carolina A9910
Malachi LedfordTusculum AClemson A10110
Ethan AltshulEmory BTennesse B10110
Martin BrandenburgGeorgia AEmory A14110
Will McCurleyAuburn ATusculum A14810
Abby TiptonAuburn BAuburn C14810