
Rationalist Mu’tazilites believe that during this time period Shafa’a cannot occur. The Jahmiyyah did not believe in an action during this time period because speech requires a mouth and (10[1])larynx. Bi’dah is a sin because Prophetic (-5[1])sunnah is considered valid until this time period. In Sūrah al-Fātiḥa, Allah is addressed as the “malik” of this time period. During this period, certain people are transported to the Pond of Abundance across an (10[1])extremely thin and sharp bridge called as-Sirāt. (-5[1])The army of a corrupt tyrant called (10[1])Sufyani (-5[1])is swallowed by the earth right before this time period, (10[1]-5[1])which also features the opening of gates to Ya’juj and Ma’juj (10[1])and the blowing of a trumpet. For (10[1])10 points, (-5[1])name this time period in Islam during (10[1])which the dead (10[1])are (10[1])resurrected and account for their sins. (0[1])■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: Day of Judgement [or Yawm ad-Din; accept Day of Resurrection or Yawm al-Qiyamah; prompt on the end times or apocalypse]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech BTennesse A2810
Zach TsengGeorgia Tech EAlabama A35-5
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DTennesse B7010
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CSouth Carolina A77-5
TurjyaGeorgia AGeorgia Tech F8410
Malachi LedfordTusculum AClemson A85-5
TurjyaGeorgia AEmory A95-5
Will McCurleyAuburn AGeorgia Tech A9510
Nitish SudhakarGeorgia Tech BAlabama A10610
Will HughesAuburn ATusculum A11310
Tarun KotiEmory BTennesse B115-5
Zachary KantEmory AGeorgia A12210
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech ASouth Carolina A12510
Joshua DavenportGeorgia Tech CEmory B12610
Gannon RiceClemson ATusculum A1320
Everett SegoTennesse BEmory B13310
Kabir ZamanSouth Carolina AGeorgia Tech C1330
Aaryan TomarGeorgia Tech EAuburn B13310
Harris BeckerAlabama AGeorgia Tech E14210
Coy MierAuburn CAuburn B14210