In a novel by this author that references the works of the fictional composer Yamanaka, the protagonist meets the disliked musician Christoff and the drunken former conductor Brodsky. A character created by this author has his profession guessed by Mr. Carlisle, who gives him a ride back from Moscombe. This author wrote about the concert pianist Ryder in his novel The Unconsoled. In a novel by this author, Reginald Cardinal is angry at his godfather for being tricked by a group that includes Herr Ribbentrop. In a novel by this author, which opens with a letter to Ms. Kenton, a character tries to learn banter for his new employer. A novel by this author focuses on Stevens, the butler of the Nazi sympathizer Lord Darlington. For 10 points, name this author of Remains of the Day. ■END■
ANSWER: Kazuo Ishiguro
<British Literature>
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