
The Isfahan school of this art form replicated the delicate style used by Reza Abbasi in works like Two Lovers. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this art form that developed in Persia to illustrate texts like Nizami’s Khamsa and the Shahnameh.
ANSWER: miniatures [or miniature painting; or negârgari; prompt on painting, illumination, or illuminated manuscripts]
[10h] Reza Abbasi specialized in these albums of miniatures that began in Herat under the Timurid dynasty. Many miniature artists switched to painting these albums after Tahmasp I ended patronage for illustrated manuscripts.
ANSWER: muraqqa (“moo-RAH-kah”) [or murakka]
[10e] Along with miniatures, muraqqa collected examples of this art form in the Arabic alphabet. The kalam pen is used in the Islamic form of this decorative writing.
ANSWER: calligraphy [accept khatt]
<Visual Fine Arts>

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Emory BTennesse B001010
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Georgia Tech EAuburn B10101030
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