
The debate between scholars Paul Kristeller and Eugenio Garin over this worldview was informed by Martin Heidegger’s response to another philosopher regarding this stance. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this position that Heidegger distanced himself from in a letter on it. This is the second philosophical view in the title of a lecture that claimed “existence precedes essence.”
ANSWER: humanism [accept Renaissance humanism; accept “Letter on Humanism” or Über den Humanismus or Existentialism Is a Humanism or L’existentialisme est un humanisme] (Existentialism Is a Humanism is by Jean-Paul Sartre)
[10e] Heidegger criticized humanism from this country as being a revival of Greek civilization. Humanist thinkers from this modern-day country include Pico della Mirandola and a polymath who drew the Vitruvian Man.
ANSWER: Italy [accept Italian Republic or Repubblica Italiana]
[10h] With Kristeller and John Herman Randall Jr., this philosopher edited a book on Renaissance philosophy. This neo-Kantian, who debated Heidegger at Davos (“da-VOSE”), wrote The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms.
ANSWER: Ernst Cassirer (“ka-SEER-ur”) [or Ernst Alfred Cassirer]

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Georgia Tech BAlabama A010010
Auburn ATusculum A010010
Auburn AGeorgia Tech A10101030
Auburn ATusculum A0101020
Auburn AGeorgia Tech A1010020
Clemson ATusculum A010010
Emory ATennesse A010010
Georgia Tech EAuburn B010010
Georgia AEmory A010010
Georgia AEmory A0101020
Georgia AGeorgia Tech F0101020
Georgia AGeorgia Tech F010010
Georgia Tech CEmory B0101020
Georgia Tech CSouth Carolina A010010
Georgia Tech CSouth Carolina A0101020
Georgia Tech CEmory B010010
Tennesse BEmory B010010
Alabama AGeorgia Tech E001010
Auburn ATusculum A010010
Auburn AGeorgia Tech A10101030
Auburn ATusculum A0101020
Auburn AGeorgia Tech A1010020
Auburn BAuburn C001010
Georgia AEmory A0000
Georgia AEmory A001010
Georgia AGeorgia Tech F001010
Georgia AGeorgia Tech F0000
Tennesse AGeorgia Tech B001010
Georgia Tech CEmory B001010
Georgia Tech CSouth Carolina A0000
Georgia Tech CSouth Carolina A001010
Georgia Tech CEmory B0000
Georgia Tech DTennesse B0101020
South Carolina AGeorgia Tech A001010