
The method of cumulants is a quantitative analysis method for this technique. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this technique that moves a monochromatic laser through a sample and measures fluctuations of intensity to detect Brownian motion. This technique is used to analyze the distribution of particles in solution.
ANSWER: dynamic light scattering [or DLS]
[10e] Dynamic light scattering is often applied to analyze solutions of these compounds. Repeating subunits called monomers make up these large macromolecules.
ANSWER: polymers
[10m] DLS of polymer solutions uses the diffusion coefficient to calculate a “hydrodynamic” form of this quantity. For a random coil polymer, that differs from the [emphasize] “[this quantity] of gyration” given by static light scattering.
ANSWER: radius [accept hydrodynamic radius or radius of gyration]

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