
This concept allows individuals to act as “constrained maximizers” according to David Gauthier. Derek Parfit’s “Triple Theory” argues that Kantian ethics, rule consequentialism, and a system based on this concept converge to the same (10[1])conclusion. Inspired by Carole Pateman, Charles W. Mills reformulated this concept along racial lines. An ethical system based on this (-5[1])concept was developed in T. M. Scanlon’s What We Owe to Each Other. A treatise on this concept, which argues that laws are not legitimate unless they follow the “general will,” opens “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in (10[1])chains.” For 10 points, name this concept coined in a Jean-Jacques Rousseau book that envisions communities as agreeing to certain rights and responsibilities. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: social contract [accept contractarian ethics; accept contractualism]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Nathaniel HullBerkeley AStanford L3310
Ryan FangStanford AStanford M53-5
Ryan SunBerkeley BBerkeley C9410
Michal GerasimiukStanford MStanford A11810
