Angelo Hesnard inspired one thinker to posit that people with this trait cause a reaction that “defies all rational thinking” in eliciting a “phobogenic” response in others. That thinker criticized a movement named for this trait that was also rejected by Édouard Glissant’s concept of Antillanité (“ahn-tee-yan-ee-TAY”). One book argues that people with this trait gain inferiority complexes through “epidermalization.” That book includes a chapter titled for a man with this trait, which expands upon Jean-Paul Sartre’s account of antisemitism and criticizes another Sartre work titled for Orpheus and this trait. People with this trait imitate a dominant group’s culture by wearing metaphorical masks, according to Frantz Fanon. For 10 points, name this trait that inspired the name of the Négritude movement. ■END■
ANSWER: Blackness [accept Negritude until read; accept Black Skin, White Masks; accept “The Lived-Experience of the Black Man”; accept “The Fact of Blackness”]
= Average correct buzz position