A character asks, “if that isn’t prophecy, what is?” after opening a novel by this author to “page one hundred and twenty-nine.” This author, whose most famous work is read by Gabriel Betteredge in The Moonstone, wrote a novel whose title character reclaims her inheritance after a letter is intercepted by her son Humphry. The title character of a novel by this author reunites with her “Lancashire husband” Jemy in prison and is said to be “Twelve Year a Whore, five times a Wife.” That character, who titles a novel by this author that opens with a character “pleading her belly” at Newgate Prison, is Moll Flanders. In a novel by this author, a character inspired by Alexander Selkirk rescues Friday from cannibals. For 10 points, name this author of Robinson Crusoe. ■END■
ANSWER: Daniel Defoe [or Daniel Foe]
<British Literature>
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