
A “dynamite squad” vetoed proposed bills taxing a successor to this company. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this company whose successors were accused of financing Bolivia during the Gran Chaco War. A 1911 Supreme Court antitrust case dissolved this company founded by John D. Rockefeller.
ANSWER: Standard Oil Company [accept Standard Oil Louisiana, Standard Oil New Jersey, Standard Oil Ohio, or similar]
[10m] This politician called Standard Oil “foreign murderers” for their perceived role in the Gran Chaco War. Conflict over oil taxes led a “Square Deal Association” opposing this politician to seize a Baton Rouge courthouse.
ANSWER: Huey Long [or Huey Pierce Long, Jr.; accept the Kingfish]
[10h] Long also attacked this Postmaster General for allegedly using his General Builders’ Supply Corporation to supply firms in the WPA. This politician later predicted that Franklin Roosevelt would lose Maine and Vermont.
ANSWER: James Farley [or James Aloysius Farley]
<American History>

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Berkeley BStanford A1010020
Stanford MStanford L1010020