
Characters who met at a tavern bring a black bull and white horse to this place at the beginning of a novel whose opening lines note that what’s “long divided, must unite” and what’s “long united, must divide.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this place where those three men agree to die “on the same day, in the same month, in the same year.”
ANSWER: peach garden [or táoyuán; accept Oath of the Peach Garden or Peach Garden Oath or Táoyuán Jiéyì; prompt on garden or yuán]
[10e] Liú Bèi, Guān Yǔ, and Zhāng Fēi become blood brothers after swearing the Peach Garden Oath in a Luó Guànzhōng novel about the Romance of this period of Chinese history.
ANSWER: Three Kingdoms period [or Sānguó; accept Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Sānguó yǎnyì]
[10h] While being treated for a poison arrow wound, Guān Yǔ pretends to be unhurt by doing this activity. In another novel, a six month-long instance of this activity is interrupted by an elderly participant’s stay at St. Luke’s Hospital.
ANSWER: playing Go [or playing wéiqí or playing baduk] (The novel is The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata.)
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