
This country’s 2023 film Green Border depicts a “hybrid war” caused by an eastern neighbor’s threat to “flood” this country and two smaller ones “with drugs and migrants.” Foreigners posing as Bollywood crews bribed officials in this country to illegally gain entry in this country’s ongoing “visa affair.” This country and a smaller one led by the Fidesz (“FEE-dess”) party (10[1])opposed a 2023 EU statement on migration, and this country earlier (10[1])capped migration under Ewa Kopacz (10[1])(“AY-vah KOH-pahch”). This northernmost country of the Visegrád Group may strengthen closed-door policies under its newly-elected prime minister of the Civic Coalition, a former President of the European Council. For 10 points, name this country where the Sejm (“same”) elected Donald Tusk (“toosk”) to serve as prime minister alongside president Andrzej (“AHN-jay”) Duda in 2023. (10[2])■END■

ANSWER: Poland [or Republic of Poland or Rzeczpospolita Polska]
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