
A play by this author satirizes colonizers such as Mr. Blankensee, who owns the self-proclaimed best flower garden in Africa. In that play by this author, Saïd (“sai-EED”) pursues Leila, the “ugliest woman in town,” during a country’s war of independence. After dying of tuberculosis, (10[1])the drag queen Divine is canonized in a so-called “epic of masturbation” that this author wrote while in prison. (10[1])This author of Our Lady of the Flowers wrote a play in which patrons of the “House of Illusions” dress up as a judge, a bishop, and a general, and the prostitute Chantal leads a revolution after leaving Irma’s brothel. In another play by this author, a poisoned tea is prepared by Solange and Claire, who role-play murdering Madame. For 10 points, name this French author of The Screens, The Balcony, and The Maids. ■END■ (0[1])

ANSWER: Jean Genet (“zhawn zhuh-NAY”)
<European Literature>
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