
Algorithms with this property are often expressed in terms of the relationships between T-sub-one, T-sub-p, and T-sub-infinity under the work-span or work-time frameworks. Gustafson’s law generalizes an earlier statement that this property provides improvements equal to “one over the quantity ‘one minus p plus p over s.’” Register renaming and a common data bus are among the innovations that Tomasulo’s algorithm uses to improve this property, whose gains are also described by Amdahl’s law. Flynn’s taxonomy uses categories such as MIMD to describe this property’s presence at the data and/or instruction levels. Unlike concurrency, this property involves multiple processes running simultaneously, such as in pipelining. (10[2])For 10 points, name (-5[1])this property contrasted with sequential (10[1])computing. ■END■ (10[1]0[1])

ANSWER: parallelism [or parallel computing; or synonyms such as parallel programming; or parallelization; accept distributed computing or distributed systems; accept multithreading or multiprocessing; accept pipelining until read; reject “concurrency”]
<Other Science>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Amogh KulkarniGeodesicMTSU10410
Caden HausteinHardingAlabama10410
Martin AlfayaKentuckyVanderbilt A108-5
Michael ZhouGeorgia Tech BSouth Carolina11310
Bryanna ShaoVanderbilt AKentucky1150
Kevin OuVanderbilt BTennessee11510