
One of these events in Catraeth (“KAH-tryth”) is the subject of the poem Y Gododdin (“uh go-DOH-thin”). For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this type of event that occurs in Maldon in a poem that includes the much-debated word “ofermōd.”
ANSWER: battle [accept “The Battle of Maldon”]
[10e] The Medieval Welsh poem Y Gododdin contains what is believed to be the first reference to this figure. This figure’s death at the Battle of Camlann is described in a Thomas Malory book titled for him.
ANSWER: Arthur [accept Le Morte d’Arthur or The Death of Arthur]
[10h] Quotes from Y Gododdin are placed before each of the seven parts of this epic poem, which describes the experience of John Ball as a soldier in World War I.
ANSWER: In Parenthesis (by David Jones)
<British Literature>

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