
Note to moderator: Read the answerline carefully. Description acceptable. After performing this action, a man in one story fails at jumping over a bridge’s turnstile when he hits an iron bar. After performing this action, the protagonist of a story becomes a usurer (“YOO-zhur-ur”) in Boston since he doesn’t want to be a slave trader. This title action (10[1])is performed by Toby Dammit in a story by Edgar Allan Poe. Soon after finding his wife’s organs in an apron, the protagonist of a story performs this action in order to find Captain Kidd’s treasure in a swamp. After performing this action, (-5[1])Tom Walker gets rich in a story by Washington (10[1])Irving. Ten years after Jabez Stone performs this action, he is defended in a court case by Daniel Webster in a story by Stephen Vincent Benét. For 10 points, describe this heretical act that is central to the legend of Faust. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: deal with the Devil [or making a bet/deal/pact with the Devil; accept sell your soul to the Devil; accept Faustian bargain until “Faust” is read; accept shaking hands with the Devil; prompt on making a bet/deal by asking “with whom?”; accept Old Scratch or Mr. Scratch in place of “Devil”; accept “Never Bet the Devil Your Head”]
<American Literature>
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