
An “autobiographical sketch” by this author describes a childhood fight when he and his friends threw cinders across railroad tracks at a group of boys who threw back broken bottles. In a story by this author, the mule Jenny is accidentally shot by the teenager Dave Saunders with the gun he just bought. After the protagonist of a story by this author shoots a man in self defense at a swimming pool, his friend Bobo is tarred (10[1])and feathered and burned alive. This author of “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” included the story “Big Boy Leaves Home” in the collection Uncle Tom’s Children. (10[1])A protagonist created by this author is defended by the lawyer Boris Max after murdering his girlfriend Bessie. For 10 points, name this author who created Bigger Thomas for the novel Native Son. ■END■

ANSWER: Richard Wright [or Richard Nathaniel Wright] (The first clue is about “The Ethics of Living Jim Crow.”)
<American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Eshan Pant (DII)NYU AColumbia A7610
Ethan Furman (DII)HaverfordVassar10410
