
Tadpole-shaped voids in this region occur during supra-arcade downflows, or SADs. This region’s intensity was suggested by a pair of mysterious red and green emission lines later determined to be Fe9+ and Fe13+. Shockwaves originating from this region were observed by Gail Moreton and Harry Ramsey and are sometimes referred to as “tsunamis.” Active regions in this larger region are connected by “helmet streamers.” The TRACE and SOHO missions study this region’s namesake magnetic loops. Alfvén waves are theorized to be responsible for the anomalously high temperature of this region, which lies above the transition region. Flares are often accompanied by namesake “mass ejections” from this region. For 10 points, name this outermost region of the Sun’s atmosphere, named for its resemblance to a crown. ■END■

ANSWER: stellar corona [prompt on the Sun until read; prompt on stellar atmosphere]
<Other Science>
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