
After murdering several disciples, a mad king of this place eats his own hands, kills his family and jumps into a fire. Agrestes is one ruler of this place, whose name may ultimately derive from the war god of the Trinovantes tribe. A hero starts out as a kitchen boy at this place in a version of the “Fair Unknown” motif. (-5[1])An artifact held in this place was given its shape to prevent quarrels according to Layamon (“LAY-uh-mun”) and Wace (“wass”). This place supersedes (10[1])the role of Caerleon (“care-LEE-on”) in later writings, such as the Post-Vulgate cycle, in which it is destroyed at the climax of the invasion of Logres (“LOH-gers”) by King Mark. This place, which is just downriver from the island of Shalott, contains an artifact gifted by King (10[1])Leodegrance (“LEE-oh-de-grantz”) and the Siege Perilous, (10[1])which is a vacant chair. For 10 points, the Round Table lies in what stronghold of King Arthur? ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Camelot [prompt on King Arthur’s castle or King Arthur’s stronghold until “Arthur” is read; prompt on Round Table or King Arthur’s court by asking “where is that found?”; prompt on Camulodunum or Colchester by asking “we’re looking for a mythical place”]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sinecio Morales (DII)Johns HopkinsColumbia A60-5
Sam Macchi (DII)VassarColumbia B8110
Audrey Cho (DII)HaverfordPenn12610
Jerry VinokurovJohn JayColumbia C13110
Moses KitakuleColumbia AJohns Hopkins15010
Zaid Asif (DII)NYU BRowan15010


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