
This quantity’s thermally-activated “creep” is modeled in Anderson–Kim theory. A “pinched” hysteresis loop is a signature of a device whose strength is the derivative of this quantity with respect to charge. The material derivative of this quantity vanishes for infinitely conducting fluids by Alfvén’s theorem. (-5[1])The voltage produced in the AC Josephson effect (10[1])is equal to the frequency times the quantum of this quantity, which equals h over 2e. (10[1]-5[1])The “pinning” of this quantity in superconductors creates a force that allows them to levitate magnets. This quantity can be computed as the double integral of “B dot dA.” (10[1])The EMF induced in a loop is proportional to the time-derivative of this quantity, symbolized phi, by Faraday’s law. For 10 points, name this quantity that measures the density of magnetic field lines passing through a surface. ■END■ (0[2])

ANSWER: magnetic flux [or magnetic flux linkage; prompt on flux creep or flux pinning]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jason Qin (DII)Columbia CNYU B44-5
Jerry VinokurovJohn JayColumbia A5210
David BassJohns HopkinsHaverford6810
Danny Han (UG)PennVassar68-5
William Groger (UG)Columbia BNYU A9710
Sam Macchi (DII)VassarPenn1350
Zaid Asif (DII)NYU BColumbia C1350