
The “gesture and expression” of sculptures with this quality is compared to how a peaceful sea lies beneath a “foaming surface.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this two-word quality that, along with “quiet grandeur,” was ascribed to Classical-era sculptures by Johann Winckelmann (“VINK-ul-mahn”). Please provide both a noun and an adjective.
ANSWER: noble simplicity [or edle Einfalt; accept “noble simplicity and quiet grandeur” or “edle Einfalt und stille Größe”; prompt on nobility or simplicity]
[10m] Gotthold Lessing quotes Winckelmann’s description in the opening of his essay titled for this sculpture. This sculpture, which is housed in the Vatican, includes depictions of Antiphantes (“an-TIFF-un-teez”) and Thymbraeus.
ANSWER: Laocoön (“lay-AH-kuh-wahn”) [accept Laocoön group or Gruppo Laocoonte or Laocoön and His Sons] (Antiphantes and Thymbraeus are Laocoon’s sons.)
[10e] A painted Artemis statue found in this city made Winckelmann reconsider his ideas on “noble simplicity.” The Alexander Mosaic and Villa of the Mysteries were found in this ruined city near Naples.
ANSWER: Pompeii
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