
According to legend, a prince who lost at this battle was visited by a gray falcon who offered him a choice between an earthly kingdom and victory. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this medieval battle detailed in a cycle of tales from guslar bards, some of which were recorded by Milman Parry and Alfred Lord in their research on oral-formulaic composition.
ANSWER: Battle of Kosovo Polje [or Battle of Kosovo Field]
[10e] The Serbian scholar Vuk Karadžić (“kah-RAH-jitch”) sent his version of the Kosovo cycle to two German brothers with this surname who are better known for popularizing Cinderella, Rapunzel, and other tales.
ANSWER: Brothers Grimm [accept any answer including the word Grimm]
[10m] Serbian mythology also features this Pan-Slavic god of thunder and the sky, who defeats the cattle raids of Veles in an annual cycle.

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