
Description acceptable. A servant recounts how he was punished for taking the blame for this character’s actions, such as stealing pudding, killing geese, and urinating under a dinner table. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name or describe this character who appears in several comic scenes with the servant Launce.
ANSWER: the dog from The Two Gentlemen of Verona [or Crab; prompt on dog by asking “from what work?”; prompt on Launce’s pet]
[10m] The waiting-woman Bettrice enters with a monkey on a leash in Eastward Ho!, a play written by Ben Jonson, John Marston, and this author. This author of the tragedy Bussy D’Ambois (“boo-SEE dahm-BWAH”) also translated Homer.
ANSWER: George Chapman
[10e] In addition to dogs and monkeys, other Renaissance animal actors include these large creatures, which could have been used for The Winter’s Tale for the stage direction about Antigonus exiting the stage “pursued by” one of them.
ANSWER: bear
<British Literature>

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