
Members of this non-Italian ethnic group established the colony of Little Venice in western Venezuela, founding the city of Maracaibo, and later controlled Venezuela’s banking and trade. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this ethnic group. An explorer of this ethnic group is credited with the first description of anthropogenic climate change based on his observations of Venezuela’s Lake Valencia.
ANSWER: Germans [or Deutsche] (The explorer is Alexander von Humboldt.)
[10e] The Venezuelan crisis of 1902 to 1903, during which Germany, Great Britain, and Italy blockaded Venezuela over unpaid debts, set the precedent for this doctrine’s use in “big stick diplomacy” and led to its Roosevelt Corollary.
ANSWER: Monroe Doctrine [accept Doctrina Monroe]
[10m] The British first tacitly accepted the Monroe Doctrine during an 1985 dispute with Venezuela over this river. A 2023 Venezuelan referendum renewed conflict over this river by calling for the annexation of a region of Guyana named for this river.
ANSWER: Essequibo River [or Río Esequibo; accept Guayana Esequiba]
<World History>

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