
A satirical novel compares the potential fates of this play’s protagonist to the “wishy,” “wishy-washy,” and “washy” options given to Liberty Island voters. This play’s protagonist is trapped in the Statue of Liberty and freed by Hamlet and Zarathustra, leading to Puerto Rican independence, in Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana. In this play, a woman asks her maid to retrieve a locket from Astolfo that is revealed to contain a portrait of that maid. Upon realizing that she has his sword, the tutor Clotaldo spares his disguised daughter in this play. Clarín and Rosaura rescue this play’s protagonist after a prophecy that he will disgrace the kingdom causes King Basilio to lock him in a tower. (10[1])For 10 points, name this Spanish Golden Age play about Prince Segismundo, (-5[1])by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. ■END■ (0[2])

ANSWER: Life is a Dream [or La vida es sueño]
<European Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Biyang Zhang (DII)Michigan BMichigan C11610
Rohan Navaneetha (DII)Ohio State ACedarville128-5
Aidan Jordan (DII)KenyonMichigan A1350
Yashwanth Bajji (DII)Michigan AKenyon1350