
These people’s contact with Europeans spurred the painting of the Porterville Galleon. These people painted a red eland bull in a panel named for the controversial Jungian psychologist Lauren van der Post. An isolation of around 100,000 years may have caused this ethnic group to have the highest frequencies of the Y-chromosome haplogroups A and B and mitochondrial haplogroup L0, the most divergent haplogroups. The UNESCO-listed Tsodilo Hills feature rock art of this ethnic group. The Bantu expansion likely confined cattle-raisers and this ethnic group (10[1])to the Kalahari Desert before further displacement initiated by European settlers and the Tswana people. For 10 points, name this hunter-gatherer ethnic group, contrasted with the pastoralist Khoekhoe, indigenous to Southern Africa. ■END■ (0[4])

ANSWER: San people [or Saan; accept Khoisan people; accept Basarwa; prompt on Bushmen]
<Other History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aidan Jordan (DII)KenyonOhio State A8410
Dennis Yang (DII)Michigan BCedarville1170
Emmett Bicknell (DII)CedarvilleMichigan B1170
Matthew Lam (DII)Ohio State BMichigan C1170
Leo Tao (UG)Michigan COhio State B1170