
This text, which may have gotten its name from the imposing rolls it was stored on, argues that the study of moral character is part of the craft of politics. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this text, traditionally attributed to Aristotle, but now accepted as the work of a later writer. A book subtitled Reflections on a Damaged Life puns on the title of this text.
ANSWER: Magna Moralia [or Great Ethics] (Reflections on a Damaged Life is the subtitle of Minima Moralia by Theodore Adorno.)
[10m] This thinker unusually attributed Magna Moralia to Theophrastus in the book Intention. This thinker argued for Aristotelian ethics in an article that condemns writers from “Sidgwick to the modern day” and coined the term consequentialism.
ANSWER: G. E. M. Anscombe [or Elizabeth Anscombe or Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe]
[10e] Aristotle contrasts the different ends of acting with virtue and techne in this ten-book work likely named for his son. This book defines the highest good for people as eudaimonia.
ANSWER: Nicomachean Ethics [or Ēthika Nikomacheia]

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