
This author discussed a woman who tried to “reconcile illuminism and the Baroque” and was “superior both to her society and her culture” in an essay that describes her world as “closed to the future.” Another essay by this author discusses the phrase “I am your father” and defines a term as “the Mother forcibly opened, violated or deceived.” This author returned to the subject of the essay “The Conquest and Colonialism” in The Traps of Faith, a biography of Sor Juana. (10[1])This author described (10[1])a “river that goes curving, advances and (10[1])retreats… (10[1])arriving forever” in a poem based on the Aztec calendar. (10[1])For 10 points, name this Mexican author of The Labyrinth of Solitude, who wrote (10[1])about a “willow of crystal” and “poplar of water” in the poem “Sunstone.” ■END■

ANSWER: Octavio Paz [or Octavio Paz Lozano]
<World Literature>
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