
A sculptor from this country depicted a seated man with a toothed necklace carving weapons next to his daughter in The Old Arrow Maker. The “Marmorean Flock” was a group of female artists from this country who worked in Rome. Those artists from this country included one who elaborated a bust of a Palmyrene into her sculpture Zenobia in Chains and one known as “Wildfire” who sculpted The Death of Cleopatra. Another Neoclassical (10[1])sculptor from this country won fame by depicting a nude woman chained up by Turkish captors in The Greek Slave. (-5[1])This country, (10[1])which minted a Neoclassical “double eagle” gold coin, was home to Edmonia Lewis and Hiram Powers. (10[1])For 10 points, name this adopted home of the Irish-born sculptor Augustus (10[1])Saint-Gaudens, who made the (-5[1])Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: United States [or America or US or USA or United States of America] (Harriet Hosmer sculpted Zenobia in Chains.)
<Painting & Sculpture>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Kevin ParkClaremont AIowa A7210
Deepak MuthyalaTexas A&M AUW A92-5
Cormac BeirneSorbonneIowa B9410
Ryan HumphreyTexas ARice A11010
Cameron WilliamsAppalachian StateTexas A&M B12210
Alan ZhangUBC AMichigan State A126-5
Truman FillbrandtUW ATexas A&M A13110
Anton AkroushMichigan State AUBC A13110