
A collection of these objects from China titles the memoir of Kay Sage, who painted a giant example of these objects next to an archway in My Room Has Two Doors. One of these objects dangles on a thin string above a rooftop in a landscape titled for these objects On the Plate (Without the Plate). Geese fly out of a white cape worn by a giantess guarding one of these objects in a painting (10[1])by Leonora Carrington. A cage holds one of these (10[1])objects in René Magritte’s painting Elective Affinities. A flower sprouts from one of these objects representing a head (-5[1])in Salvador Dalí’s Metamorphosis of Narcissus. Either casein (“KAY-seen”) or materials from these objects are used to make a paint that uses a binder called gesso (“JESS-oh”) as a ground. (10[1])For (10[1])10 (10[1])points, tempera is usually made with milk or what other (10[1])food items? ■END■

ANSWER: eggs [accept eggshells; accept China Eggs; accept fried eggs; accept egg yolk]
<Painting & Sculpture>
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Kevin ParkClaremont ATexas A7410
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Truman FillbrandtUW ARice A12910
Deepak MuthyalaTexas A&M AUBC A13010
Grace EarlyIowa AIowa B13110
Andrew HarmsMichigan State ATexas A&M B14110